Wednesday, December 24, 2008

[Messages] - Swamiji Message on "Help Yourself"

[When a disciple pleaded helplessness, Swamiji thundered:]
What nonsense are you talking? Within you lies indomitable power. Only thinking, "I am nothing, I am nothing,' you have become powerless.

You do not deserve to live if you cannot help yourselves.

It is diabolism to say, "I am so miserable." Every man has his own burden to bear. If you are miserable, try to conquer it, try to be happy.

Therefore, stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succour you want is within yourselves.

It is a tremendous error to feel helpless. Do not seek help from anyone. We are our own help. If we cannot help ourselves, there is none to help us... this is the last and greatest lesson, and oh, what a time it takes to learn it!... Just think of that huge mass of misery, and all caused by this false idea of going to seek for help!

There is no help for man. None ever was, none is, and none will be... But you are spirit. Pull yourself out of difficulties by yourself! Save yourself by yourself! There is none to help you - never was. To think that there is, is sweet delusion. It comes to no good.

You may pray to everyone that was ever born, but who will come to help you?... Help thyself out by thyself. None else can help thee, friend... Get hold of the Self, then. Stand up. Don't be afraid. In the midst of all miseries and all weakness, let the Self come out, faint and imperceptible though it be at first.

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