Monday, January 5, 2009

You are not the Body -You were never born & you'll never die

What is meant by birth and death? To assume a body is birth and to cast off the same is death. It is out of delusion that man experiences the dualities of birth and death. When we inhale with the sound 'So', the life principle enters our body and when we exhale 'Ham', it goes out. Every moment, this process of inhalation and exhalation reminds us of our inherent divinity - 'So-ham' (I am God). So long as there is life-breath, the body is considered to be Shivam (auspicious). Once the life-breath ebbs away, it becomes Shavam (corpse). Both birth and death are related to the body and not to the life principle. Man experiences birth and death because of his body attachment. He will be released from the cycle of birth and death only when he gives up body attachment and surrenders himself completely to the Will of God.



Kaarthik said...

Thanks Ravi, as a Admin you did good Job! Again you proved you are a Great Admin !

Gravity said...

Again you proved yourself as great, by placing amazing picture for this post... Real value added to this post by this picture... Amazing...