Tuesday, February 3, 2009

[Lord Shiva] - Mount Kailash - The Abode Of Lord Shiva

Mount Kailash is the peak in the Gangdise mountains which is part of the Himalayas.The word Kailāśā means “crystal” in Sanskrit.Some traditions also aver that the mountain is Shiva’s linga and Lake Manasarowar below is the yoni of His consort. According to one description in the Vishnu Purana, Mount Kailash is the center of the world, its four faces are made of crystal, ruby, gold, and lapis lazuli. It is the pillar of the world; is 84,000 leagues high; is the center of the world mandala; and is located at the heart of six mountain ranges symbolizing a lotus.

 The four rivers flowing from Kailash then flow to the four quarters of the world and divide the world into four regions.And is considered as a sacred place in four religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Bön faith.In Hindu religion, it is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva. The mountain lies near Lake Manasarowar and Lake Rakshastal in Tibet.It is considered off limits to climbers in deference to Buddhist and Hindu beliefs.According to Hinduism, Shiva, the destroyer of evil and sorrow, resides at the summit of a legendary mountain named Kailāśā, where he sits in a state of perpetual meditation along with his wife Pārvatī, the daughter of Himalaya. Kubera, the god of wealth was also said to have his abode on or near the mountain.Ther is a story that says that Ravana encountered Lord Shiva at his abode in Kailash. Unknowingly, Ravana attempted to uproot and move the mountain to Sri lanka. Shiva, annoyed by Ravana’s arrogance, pressed his little toe on Kailash,pinning him firmly under the same.

His ganas informed Ravana of whom he had crossed, upon which Ravana became penitent. He composed and sang songs praising Shiva, and is said to have done so for thousands of years, till Shiva released him from his bondage. Pleased with his bravery and devotion, Shiva gave to him the divine sword Chandrahas (”Moon-blade”).The earth is said to have quaked at Ravana’s cry of pain when the mountain was pinned on him. Ravana in turn became a lifelong devotee of Lord Shiva. Ravana is said to have composed the “Shiva Tandava Stotra”, a hymn to Lord Shiva. some say the marks that go around the mountain is the marks that was left by the rope that was tied around the mountain by Ravana.

* Thanks for the Photographer as well as for the Message

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