Tuesday, May 19, 2009


If you speak kind words to boys and encourage them, they are bound to improve in time. If you can give them positive ideas, poeple will grow up to be men and learn to stand on their own legs. In language and literature, in poetry and the arts, in everything we must point out not the mistakes that people are making in their thoughts and actions, but the way in which they will gradually be able to do these things better. Pointing out mistakes wounds a man's feeling. 
(VII. 170-171)

All the strength and succour you want is within yourselves, Therefore make your own future, 'Let the dead past bury is dead.' The infinite future is before you, and you must always remember that each wor, thought, and deed, lays up a store for you and that, as the bad thoughts and bad works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so also there is the inspiring hope tha tthe good thoughts and good deeds are ready with the power of a hundred thousand angels to defend you always and for ever.
(II. 225)

Never mind failures, they are quite natural, they are the beauty of life, these failures, What would life be without them? I never heard a cow tell a lie, but it is only a cow-never a man. So never mind these failures, these little backslidings; hold the ideal a thousand times, and if you fail a thousand times, make the attempt once more. The ideal of man is to see God in everything.
(II. 152)

* Selected Inspirational messages from Complete works of Swami Vivekananda

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