Monday, July 13, 2009

Simple 100 Religious Q&A - Perfect Answers

1 What should one fear most?
Paths that are in no way connected with divinity and yet mimic divinity

2 How long should one live?
Till one sees God or attains Self-Realization

3 Which is the journey that one should fear most?
The journey after death through the dark passages where there is no shelter to rest, no torch-light to guide and no gears to protect

4 Who is the one to be laughed at?
The one who expounds about God-realization without himself realizing God

5 What should one worry about?
Every passing moment of one’s life that passes without seeing God

6 What is it that is truly amazing?
The tendency of the mind to keep going back into worldly affairs despite facing many hardships

7 What should one avoid?
Talk, especially arguments

8 Who cheats man?
His mind

9 Who is the greatest enemy?

10 What is maya?
Inability to understand if everything is predetermined or if there is free will.

11 What is the cause of psychological disorder?
Feeling of guilt

12 What is the secret to attain mental peace?
Discipline, truthfulness, honesty, independent nature

13 Who gets into confusion?
One who has read a lot

14 Who is the one who has no confusions?
One who proceeds on the path shown by the Guru without any second thought

15 What is ignorance?
To believe that one can cheat God or the Guru

16 Who is clever?
One who does not attempt to find the path to liberation himself, but proceeds along the path chosen for him by his Guru

17 Who is ignorant?
One who thinks who knows it all

18 Who is an enlightened one?
One who believes that he knows nothing

19 What the greatest offering that one can make to God?
The sense of ego

20 Who should we not accept as a Guru?
One who thinks that he is a Guru

21 Who are the companions of the one who treads the spiritual path?
Perseverance and patience

22 What is ignorance of the intellect?
Trying to realize God through the intellect after being fully aware that it is impossible

23 Where do all questions end?
In direct experience

24 Who is most unfortunate?
One who wastes his entire life trying to solve problems that were created due to unnecessary indulgence

25 Who is the “uncontrollable”?
One who disregards the words of the Guru

26 What will the scholar do after he has acquired knowledge?
He will impart it to others

27 How can lust be destroyed?
Lust is destroyed to the extent that one loses body- consciousness

28 Which is the most difficult task in the world?
To brush aside the world that is perceived by the senses as unreal and to instill in the mind as real that God who cannot be perceived by the senses

29 When does God laugh?
When His grace is sold for a price

30 Who are thieves?
Those who obstruct the Divine grace from reaching all

31 What is false belief?
To believe a Guru who is false

32 Who is Guru of the world?
The World itself

33 What is regrettable?
To rejoice in the sorrow of other beings

34 What should be celebrated?
Viewing another’s misery as our own

35 when does the mind feel great joy?
When the one whom we consider as a competitor suffers. This joy is greater than the joy experienced when a good thing happens to us or sorrow befalls our enemy

36 How strong is one’s attachment to his body?
It is as strong as the grip of the one who sleeps on a narrow piece of wood without falling down even in his sleep

37 What is usual practice of the world?
To say that things were great back then as opposed to the present when everything is going wrong

38 Why should religion impose rules and regulations on man?
Because he will never be disciplined on his own otherwise

39 If that is the case, would not the social laws suffice?
One can cheat the worldly laws, but not the eternal law

40 What will happen to a society that does not abide by social order?
It will become a jungle full of wild beasts

41 From whom can we not expect the truth?
From the one who is afflicted by emotions

42 Which will win – emotion or intellect?
Emotions always ( in common people)

43 Who is a Viveki?
One who brushes emotions aside and arrives at conclusions based on intellect

44 Which is suitable path for one with a sharp intellect?

45 Which is the suitable path for one with a heart full of emotions?

46 Which is the suitable path for one who is duty-bound and has won over laziness?
Ashtanga Yoga

47 Which is the suitable path for the one who has a great sense of sacrifice and humility?
Karma Marga

48 Which is the one path that is suitable for all – universally?
Chanting the Mahamantra

49 What should be controlled to win over the senses?
The mind

50 What is the simple technique to control the mind?
Pranayama (Breath control)

51 How can one control the mind naturally?
Through solitude, cleanliness( in all ways) and permanent diet restrictions

52 What hurts one the most?
To hear from another that one is unfit though he is already aware of the same

53 What pleases one the most?
Hearing useless words of flattery that send one floating in an imaginary world

54 What is most bitter?
To be practical

55 What should one yearn for?
The regards of Sadhus

56 How does God express his displeasure?
By way of natural calamities

57 Who is the one who can win over the whole world?
The one who knows to move well with the world

58 Which is an alien land?
Any place even if it is one’s native land, where he is not respected

59 Which is one’s own land?
Any land where one is respected

60 When is the right time to identify one’s true friends?
In troubled times

61 Whom should one never insult, even unknowingly?
One’s Guru and parents

62 Who will breathe his last peacefully?
One who has done justice to the human birth

63 What is most surprising?
The manner in which one talks sorrowfully about the dead, unmindful that he is going to die too

64 How does the world benefit if one worships God?
Though food that is taken orally reaches the stomach, the whole body is nourished. The same holds good for worship too

65 How can one get rid of vasanas like lust that are born with the body itself?
Only through the grace of the Guru

66 When will we receive the grace of the Guru?
Only when we truly wish for it

67 What is prayer?
To cry before God till we attain what we want, unmindful of everything else

68 What does not constitute prayer?
To tell God as one would pass on a piece of information

69 Which are the ornaments that one should enjoy wearing?
Good qualities

70 Who has the right to realize God?
All that are blessed with the sixth sense

71 Who is liked by all?
One who is full of love

72 Who is hated by all?
One who suspects all and speaks harsh words

73 Whose progress is obstructed?
One who is afraid

74 When should a leader step down?
When his word loses its authority mostly

75 what should a leader never do?
Over-interact with others

76 What should a leader never reveal?
The decisions that he makes in his mind

77 Who is the one who is feared even by God?
The valiant

78 who is a coward?
One who shows his anger unnecessarily at the ones that are weaker

79 Who is a fool?
One who expresses his anger, even if rightly, towards those who are more powerful than him

80 Who is smart?
One who controls his emotions bearing in mind the time, place and person

81 Who is lowly?
One who nurtures enmity even after the opponent has surrendered totally to him

82 Who will never perform?
One who talks too much

83 What is the secret of success?
To act according to time, place and person

84 Who will end up losing?
One who assumes that he knows everything and does not consult others

85 Where must one go even if uninvited?
To the Guru’s abode

86 Where should one never go, even if invited?
The abode of cheats

87 What should one learn from?
One’s own faults and others’ goodness

88 What should one never see(learn from)?
One’s own goodness and others’ faults

89 What is the best that we can do when we can do nothing about another’s misery?
Prayer for them alone

90 What intoxicates more than alcohol?

91 What is it that stays with us and destroys us?

92 What is most disturbing?

93 Who is the one Lord who should be celebrated always in all pomp and splendor?
Sri Krishna

94 What is most difficult to acquire?
The company of Krishna bhaktas

95 What is rarer than darshan of God?
Darshan of those who have had darshan of God

96 Which is the best direction to travel?
Towards the innermost

97 What should our life depend on?
Solely the grace of God and the Guru

98 Which the Purana that must be read?
Srimad Bhagavatam

99 Which is the greatest mantra?
The Mahamantra

100 Who is the greatest Guru?
The one who shows the Mahamantra

>>> Thanks to Hare Rama Krishna and Om Namashivaya group


Kaarthik said...

Thanks to all who are all helped to generate this questions and answers, and especially i like to thank Mr.Ravichandran for sharing this useful messages with questions and answers.

Gravity said...

Thanks mr.ą©ĸĀŋŋăň. I really like this article very much... I am trying to adopt as 7th and 9th ones. But i cannot... :(