Wednesday, September 9, 2009

[Messages] - Swami Vivekananda about animal desire and Reincarnation

Swami Vivekananda about animal desire and Reincarnation

We, living beings get carried away by the inputs we receive from our senses. The display of the vanities of the world, instills a feeling of possession that culminates into desires. With a view to gratify the desire, the living organism resorts to various means and in extreme cases, when they become too infatuated, they even adopt unfair, dishonest ways to gratify desires. These desires are the source point of our bondage. These desires only make us tied to the wheel of birth and death. We pass through several lifetimes, and still do not get the desired freedom. Gratification of desire paves way for another desire and non gratification leads to misery. This vicious circle continues, we oscillate between happiness and misery but can never establish ourselves in a permanent state of perennial happiness where all desires subside, where there is an infinite expanse of tranquility. Swami Vivekananda, therefore, advises us that the only way to attain that state of bliss, the only way to detach ourselves from this cycle of birth and death is to free ourselves from desires. Once, the desires are rooted out, our body mind framework provides the space for divinity to dwell upon and this divinity is the receptacle for infinite peace.

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