Tuesday, February 2, 2010

[Messages] - Sri RamaKrishna says The world does not exist apart from God

"It may be asked, 'How has Satchidananda become so hard?' This earth does indeed feel very hard to the touch.The answer is that blood and semen are thin liquids, and yet out of them comes such a big creature as man. Everything is possible for God.

First of all reach the indivisible Satchidananda, and then, coming down,look at the universe. You will then find that everything is Its manifestation. It is God alone who has become everything. The world by no means exists apart from Him.

"All elements finally merge in akasa. Again, at the time of creation, akasa evolves into mahat and mahat into ahamkara.In this way the whole world-system is evolved.It is the process of involution and evolution. A devotee of God accepts everything.He accepts the universe and its created beings as well as the indivisible Satchidananda.


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