Tuesday, October 20, 2009

[Messages] - Sri RamaKrishns says People's characters can be divided into three classes

People's characters can be divided into three classes,--Tamas, Rajas and Sattwa.

Those who belong to the first class are egotistic; they sleep too much, eat too much, and passion and anger prevail in them.

Those who belong to the second class are too much attached to work. They love nice, well-fitting clothes and are very neat; they care for a luxurious, richly furnished house; when they sit and worship God, they love to wear costly garments; when they give anything to charity they parade it.

Those who belong to the third class are very quiet, peaceful, unostentatious; they are not particular about their dress, they lead a simple life and earn a modest living, because their needs are small; they do not flatter for selfish ends; their dwelling is modest; they do not worry about their children's dress; they are not anxious for fame, nor do they care for the admiration or adulation of others; they worship God, give charity and meditate silently and in secret.

This Sattwa quality is the last step of the ladder which leads to the roof of Divinity. A person reaching this state does not have to wait long for God-consciousness. [p. 340]


* Thanks to Holy Trio Google Groups

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