Wednesday, October 21, 2009

[Quotes] - Gems of Holy Trio (From Holy Trio Google Groups 21 Oct 09)

Gems of Holy Trio - 137

As long as his self-analysis is not complete,

a man argues with much ado.

Bichar Kara Jatokkhon Na Sheh Hoy,

Loke Pharphar Kore Tarko Kare.

P. 148 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

He who warns in time is a true friend.

What's the use of saying 'Ah!',

when the right time has passed?

P. 149 The Gospel of Holy Mother

We cannot move our ears at will,

but we know that animals can.

We have not that power because we do not exercise it.

This is what is called atavism.

Complete Works of Swami VivekanandaVol. I p. 153

Question: "It is true, sir. Can anyone ever know God? Each thinks, with his little bit of intelligence, that he has understood all of God. As you say, an ant went to a sugar hill and, finding that one grain of. sugar filled its stomach, thought that the next time it would take the entire hill into its hole."

Sri Ramakrishna: "Who can ever know God? I don't even try. I only call on Him as Mother. Let Mother do whatever She likes. I shall know Her if it is Her will; but I shall be happy to remain ignorant if She wills otherwise. My nature is that of a kitten. It only cries, 'Mew, mew!' The rest it leaves to its mother. The mother cat puts the kitten sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes on the Master's bed. The young child wants only his mother. He doesn't know how wealthy his mother is, and he doesn't even want to know. He knows only, 'I have a mother; why should I worry?' Even the child of the maidservant knows that he has a mother. If he quarrels with the son of the Master, he says: 'I shall tell my mother. I have a mother.' My attitude, too, is that of a child."

P. 299 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

* Thanks to Holy Trio Google Groups

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